Friday, December 18, 2009


Dear Reader,

I live on the edge of the earth beside the sea. My father built the little house I live in. Well, it's not really a house, more like a cottage, and I am blessed to have it. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. —Psalm16: 6

My niece has the name of my mother. My father named our little beach house Katydid, using her name to create a play on words. Naming houses was very popular back then, even one so small! But I remember the naming of the house and that even at one time there was a sign that proudly gave name to my mother's perseverance and prodding to have a home on the beach. She must have displayed lots of encouragement to keep my father motivated.

There was no bridge to our island in the very early 1950's. All of the materials had to be hauled by ferry to the island...along with a pregnant wife and two other small children (the torturers of my childhood!).

So, I dedicate these first lines to my mother and to her granddaughter, Katy, who has been the guiding force behind this squirrelly idea. I am over 50, not very computer savvy, but this is an idea that, for some reason, I needed to see come to fruition.

I hope you like to look and to listen.

All love,

Sea Island Girl

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.



Mary said...

Okay, I'm gonna love your blog - I can just tell it!!!

Blessings, and welcome to the world of blogging!!

Katy said...

I was in bed last night about to go to sleep, and I realized that I hadn't commented!

I pray that this blog would be a creative outlet for you that provides blessing and encouragement to your life!

I love you!

Sea Island Girl said...

dear mary and katy,

thank you for your kind comments....

i think the space where it says "comments" should
say "prayers"!!


debbie bailey said...

I'm looking forward to getting to know you through your blog. Katy is one of my dear friends; a true soulmate. We are so much alike it's scary! Welcome to blogland.

Cat Stegall said...

Hi Chris your blog..Lee sent me the link... go check mine out is where post all my crafting adventures!! BIG HUGS ..Cathee Stegall!!!

debbie bailey said...

Are you going to blog more?

Mary said...

I thought of you today, just wanted you to know. Hope all is well!

Sewheather said...

Dear Sea Island Girl

What a lovely blog beginning, I can see this will be a veritable treasure of a blog. I feel like an excited child spotting a green glass bottle floating in the ocean froth. I look forward to reading more.

All the best


Anonymous said...

There is so much to tell the world of your heartbeat that lives by the sea. Take the leap of faith and throw your glorious words into the tide and wait for the sun to shine thru the darkness of your fear.You must not deprive the world another day of your thoughts. Begin!
Ms. P.

Sea Island Girl said...

Dear Ms. P.,

You have written a very beautiful, encouraging comment to me and I am grateful. How Loving and
thoughtful to urge me on with such beautiful words.
Glad that we are closely related........hopefully some of
your talent will rub off on me!!

All Love,